Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Parasites in Seven Continents

North America-Giardia duodenalis is a common parasite found in North America and around the world. Giardia duodenalis is a flagellated protozoan parasite that reproduces in the small intestine of human, cats, dogs, and birds. The mammalian host are beavers, cows, deer, and sheep. Transmission of giardia duodenalis is through ingesting contaminated food, water, fecal oral route due to inadequate hygiene.

South America-Hookwarm is a common parasitic nematode found in South America. This parasitic nematode lives in the small intestines of the host, which are human, cats, and dogs. One can prevent contraction of this parasite by using only designated receptacle to defecate, wearing shoes, and maintaining pets by de-worming.

Asia- parasitic protists which cause Malaria in South Asia. There are over 200 known species of Plasmodium of these 200, 11 of these species are known to infect humans. Some of the other species affect monkeys, rodents, birds, and reptiles. 

Tapeworms are parasitic flatworms, and infect the digestive track. The larvae can be ingested through undercooked food. In humans, the most common type is pork tapeworm, the beef tapeworm, fish tapeworms, and the dwarf tapeworm.  Most occurrences happen were there is inadequate sanitation. Sheep and cattle can also get infected with the tapeworm.  Transmission of tapeworms is generally through ingested consumption of tapeworm eggs through food, water, or soil contaminated with human or animal (host) feces.

Trichinella spiralis is a nematode parasite found in bears, humans, pigs, and rats and causes the disease Trichinosis. Also known as the "pork worm" because it is commonly found in undercooked pork. After ingestion of the parasitic nematode, inflammations occur and symptoms of diarrhea, nausea, sweating and vomiting surface. If not treated quickly, within five to seven days, fecal edema and fever occur. After 10 day of non-treatment, the individual has problems breathing, intense muscular pain, slow pulse rate and decrease in blood pressure. Heart damage can occur as well as, various nervous disorders leading to death.  
Africa and Europe-Trypanosoma is a single celled parasite that cause sleeping sickness in Sarharan Africa. They are classified as Kinetoplastida and are transmitted via a vector. Trypanosoma infect a verity of host and cause a various disease, including the fatal sleeping sickness.

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